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President Joko Widodo, also known as Jokowi, declined to comment on th…

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작성자 Berniece
댓글 0건 조회 15회 작성일 24-08-03 20:38


This was announced by Golkar Chairman, A. Hartarto, after observing Eid al-Adha prayers at the Golkar DPP mosque, Monday (17/6/2024). "In the Solo Pilkada, A. Tanjung's child will be backed by the Golkar Party, Sekar K. Tanjung, who is also young," A. Hartarto told reporters. Sekar is currently the DPD Chairwoman of Golkar Party in Solo. She is ready to compete in the Solo Pilkada to succeed President Joko Widodo's eldest son, G. Rakabuming Raka, who has been selected as vice president for the 2024-2029 term. Golkar is sure in endorsing the youngest child of Akbar Tanjung. During her career, Sekar had a stint in journalism at ABC network in 2017. In 2019, she joined the campaign team for Subianto and Uno.

Then, Taj Yasin Maimoen was chosen by 11.1%, Bambang Wuryanto or Bambang Pacul by 10.7%, Muhammad Yusuf Chudlori by 9.2%, Dico M Ganinduto by 6.1%, FX Hadi Rudiyatmo by 5.3%, and finally Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi by 4.1%, while 6.9% did not choose on the questionnaire .

048661500_1519867907-WhatsApp_Image_2018-03-01_at_07.59.21.jpegHe explained that the decision of the PKS Central Leadership Council (DPP) to nominate Anies and Sohibul Iman in the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election was based on suggestions submitted by the PKS Jakarta Regional Leadership Council (DPW). "I have received a letter from the DPW DKI Jakarta structure that has proposed the DKI gubernatorial candidate to the PKS DPP, followed by the DKI vice-gubernatorial candidate to the PKS DPP. Among the letters was a request to endorse, approve, and designate Mr. Anies Rasyid Baswedan and Mr. Mohammad Sohibul Iman as the gubernatorial and vice-gubernatorial candidates for DKI," said Syaikhu.

"The PKS DPP, in a meeting on Thursday, June 20, 2024, decided to nominate Mr. Anies Rasyid Baswedan as the prospective gubernatorial candidate and Mr. Sohibul Iman as the prospective vice-gubernatorial candidate," said Syaikhu.

014115100_1706781502-IMG_1495.JPG"In the Central Java Pilkada, from the responses of 1,688 respondents, Hendrar Prihadi was chosen by 21.4%, and Sudaryono was chosen by 20.1%," said TBRC Executive Director Johanes Romeo in a written statement received, Friday (May 3, 2024) .

"Please go ahead if you want to prepare it, we'll see. Just don't cause chaos and commotion like before. There was slander, some people were ready to celebrate, but it didn't happen. So let's leave it for later whether it will be used or not, it needs to be evaluated," said Doli .

The survey by ICRC was carried out in the Jambi Province, covering 11 districts and cities. ICRC Executive Director Rusli Hadi Suprapto clarified that the purpose of the survey was to assess the potential of the 2024 governor candidates. The results, based on Hadi, show that the incumbent Governor of Jambi, has unchanged electability compared to the governor hopeful, Romi Hariyanto. "The choices for gubernatorial candidates (open/spontaneous question) are Al Haris 21.9%, Hariyanto R. 12.0%, Cek Endra 11.4%, M. Mashuri 5.5%, Syarif Fasha 2.9%, and so on, with 45% unsure," said Hadi during the announcement of the survey findings for the 2024 Jambi Pilkada through a formal statement on Tuesday.

000068200_1698053652-nandi_gen_z.jpgAccording to Hadi, the figures for Al Haris as the sitting governor are quite low. He said that the survey also showed the public's satisfaction level with Al Haris' work as governor, If you are you looking for more regarding Doctor trust Factors look at our web site. which is 62.4% happy, 28.1% dissatisfied, and 9.5% not knowing/not answering. "During his tenure, Al Haris has a performance satisfaction rate of 62.4% (below the ideal figure of 75 percent)," said Hadi. In addition, he continued, Al Haris' popularity rate is already at a high of 98%, while Romi Hariyanto's popularity is still at 74.3% and has the potential to grow. "Additionally, the level of citizen wish for Al Haris to become governor again is above 35.4% (below 50 percent). The desire for Al Haris to return as governor is 35.4%, not wanting him to return is 28.9%, and not knowing/not answering is 35.8%," stated Hadi.

Since the General and Regional Elections models differ, a new design is being prepared . "Sirekap is intended to be used for the 2024 Regional Elections as it was initially used in the 2020 Regional Elections. We are now preparing its design and other details," said Hasyim at the DPR RI, as quoted on Thursday (May 16, 2024).

072854200_1712919183-WhatsApp_Image_2024-04-12_at_17.38.59__1_.jpegThe survey was conducted from 1st to 7th May 2024, with a sample size of 800 aged at least 17 years or married. The margin of error is approximately 3.46%, with a confidence level of 95%. The method used was stratified random sampling. Data collection was carried out through face-to-face interviews using a questionnaire. ICRC is a national research organization registered with the PERSEPI association and listed with the KPU RI. ICRC is headed by a former Indo Barometer Head from 2012-2022 and a team highly experienced in conducting surveys in various Pilkada across Indonesia.

Previously, the Timur Barat Research Center (TBRC) survey institute released its latest survey results on 'Measuring the Electoral Strength Map of Potential Candidates for Governor of Central Java in the 2024 Pilkada' .


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