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Interviews → Yoga Talks / j Brown

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작성자 Lucinda
댓글 0건 조회 4회 작성일 24-10-01 19:32


Quotes: Below are a few quotes from people suggesting that Yoga is not a religion. At this point, I conducted a few experiments by disabling/reenabling devices selectively. 12. Attain good health through the practice of Yoga Asanas and Pranayama. Just like you involve your body in physical exercise for its benefits, in the same way, meditation is an exercise for mental health. Seeing in front and behind: In the principle of spiritual life being like climbing the steps of a ladder, or staircase, it is easy to see the steps behind you, while it is difficult to see the steps still in front of you. If so, come alone or with friends and partners because the truth is we all need a perspective in life (and avail 10% discount). There are times when I need to push myself harder to do more reps and more sets. To be honest, was doing SAITAMA's physical exercise for a month which is 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats (except jogging as I hurt my ankle real bad when I was 15). The results are good but I decided to challenge myself.

Close your eyes for a minute and imagine yourself doing yoga or meditation, go deeper into your imagination and have a look at the surroundings of the place; What do you see? All students are doing the same sequence and postures, supported by experienced teachers. They are Muladhara (near the anus), Svadhisthana (midway between Muladhara and Manipura which is in the navel). Most of the answers are silence with the beautiful view of green trees and mountains, a tranquil river, a green landscape, a place away from the crowd and in short, peace. Experience a day in the village, going to the jungle, what is yoga observing silence in the middle of the chaos to say the least. I have just completed a wonderful 12 day sound healing course withHaritha Yogshala . So every day we'll take a break, hike to the river, or take a nap; learn about native history or join a yoga class. Alpesh sir is very strict in asana class but with me he was always patient and customised all asanas for me. The other students also were able to resolve their problems with Alpesh sir. Infact, my course had 2 more students and Alpesh sir customised asanas for their individual situation as well.Beyond the class, Alpesh sir is very friendly, welcoming and warm.


The choice rests with each person as an individual. Thus, in the view of the Exoteric religionist, the Esoteric seeker or Yogi is seen to have strayed from the path, to be an evil person or sinner, or to have a psychopathological problem. Once again, it leaves each person to decide for himself or herself whether or not to practice Yoga in the context of religion. Who should not practice it? I would highly recommend Haritha Yogshala to anyone, who is serious about studying sound healing and would like to learn in a interesting, professional, consise and practical way. It simply means practicing and studying your Yoga at places, and with people who share those same values and orientations of Yoga not being part of religion. It was a pleasure and very interesting practicing with Alpesch. The student may know the theory (and truth) that Yoga is not a religion, while at the same time those same students are practicing the religion of their teacher in addition to practicing Yoga.

This was the first time in 18 months. This time I'm taking a different approach and focusing on mobility and flexibility first. One of my favourite class was yoga nidra with Suha.Towards the end of the course, the most incredible thing happened : the pain in my abdomen was gone. Our class consisted of 8 students and we all formed a bond during the course. I finished the course feeling confident and inspired to put into practice what I have learnt. If you wish to practice Yoga, including its deeper, more authentic, so-called spiritual aspects, retaining and blending the religion of your youth, family, and culture, that too can be done quite easily (keeping in mind, however, that authentic Yoga will lead one towards the esoteric or mystic and of the spectrum of religion, as noted above). However, the stronger and the more successful one becomes, the more easily that core can shrink.


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